Bead Kits


Beads have been around for thousands of years. Like THOUSANDS. The oldest discovered beads are to be over 72,000 years old!

Think about how your grandma or great grandma used to wear her favorite strand of pearls. Or the bracelet you got from your best friend in elementary school to symbolize your friendship.

Tour any market in any city around the world and you will find beads! Jewelry! Locally-designed bracelets and necklaces to wear and remember your visit or bring back to friends and loved ones.

Beads CONNECT us.

They connect us to our ancestors, to people around the world, and to our friends and neighbors. It’s not a coincidence that jewelry is connected in one circle, whether a necklace, bracelet, or ring.


We love the idea of using beads to connect. Which is why we don’t make jewelry to sell. We offer kits so YOU can do the connecting and memory making. This is about your moments sitting around a table with family or friends, talking about what’s important, sharing your beads, adding your own, trading bracelets with each other.


Make a few by yourself and then give them away: to people you know, strangers you meet, someone who compliments your bracelet—give them one. Why not? Imagine if someone gave you a bracelet and how special that would be!


Our kits are full of hand-selected colors and styles of beads. We wanted beads that could last for years and be special enough that they wouldn’t be easily found. They will make your creations look
even more unique and thoughtful.


For care of your beads, please visit THIS PAGE.


Please tag us in your photos of your bead making adventures AND your finished products. We believe you will catch the connection and love for beading as much as we have.

Should you buy a kit? NO DOI!